Bar Products & Services Ltd Signs Major Contract in China
Bar Products & Services have secured a major contract in China. The contract negotiations began at the prestigious Wire 2016 Exhibition in Dusseldorf earlier this year, and has now been signed, making this Exhibition a huge success for the Company.
Mr Steve Rika, Manging Director at Bar Product & Services Ltd commented “The contract, for machines and tooling, will be delivered in two stages and will hopefully signify the start of a continuous supply relationship into the future”.
Significant other orders and contacts were also won as a direct result of the Wire 2016 exhibition, New customers in the United States, Turkey, China, Mexico, Spain, Germany and the UK, all contributed to making it the Company’s most successful exhibition so far.
Extrusion tooling and Rope/Strand tooling were by far the best growth sectors of the business with the production of shaped drawing dies also showing big improvements in sales this year.
Shaped drawing dies such as ‘Full-Lock’, Squares, Hexagons, Flat Strip, as well as ‘Trolley Dies’, and fancy shaped for the jewellery industry, keep the Shaped Die department busy supplying dies all over the world.
For any Drawing Dies, Rollers, Tooling, Roller Compaction Units and Preform Head enquiries please contact Glenn Rika-Rayne.